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import express from 'express';
import { createRedirectMiddleware } from './createRedirectMiddleware';

 * Express server that redirect all requests to a different URL
export class RedirectServer {
   * Creates an instance of RedirectServer
   * @param {string}  to            URl to redirect requests.
   * @param {Boolean} [chain=false] Will chain the request path to the redirect url.
  constructor(to, chain = false) {
     * URl to redirect requests.
     * @type {string}
    this.to = to;
     * Will chain the request path to the redirect url.
     * @type {boolean}
    this.chain = chain;


   * Setup express server
  _setupExpressServer() {
    const { to, chain } = this;

     * Express server
     * @type {Express}
    this.expressServer = express();

    // create the redirection middleware
    const redirectionMiddleware = createRedirectMiddleware({ to, chain });

    // setup the redirection middleware on all requests
    this.expressServer.get('*', redirectionMiddleware);

   * Start the server on a port, start listening
   * @param  {Number} port Port for running the server
  listen(port) {