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Contributions are always welcome, no matter how large or small.

Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this free series How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub

Code of Conduct

By participating, you are expected to uphold this Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. Please report unacceptable behavior to sharvita@gmail.com.

Project setup

First, fork then clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/your-username/react-redux-test-utils
cd react-redux-test-utils
git remote add upstream https://github.com/sharvit/react-redux-test-utils

Install dependencies:


Run test suits to validate the project is working:

yarn test

Run linter to validate the project code:

yarn lint
# to fix linting errors
yarn lint --fix
# lint your last committed message
yarn lint:commit


Build src with babel:

yarn build


Build documentation with esdocs to ./htmldocs

yarn build:docs

To develop docs, you can watch and build automatically:

yarn build:docs:dev

Committing and Pushing changes

Create a branch and start hacking:

git checkout -b my-branch

Commit and push your changes:

generator-node.htmll uses commitizen to create commit messages so semantic-release can automatically create releases.

git add .

yarn commit
# answer the questions

git push origin my-branch

Open this project on GitHub, then click “Compare & pull request”.

Help needed

Please checkout the roadmap.html and the open issues.

Also, please watch the repo and respond to questions/bug reports/feature requests, Thanks!