Do not install databases on your development machine, use containers instead.

I'm not particularly eager to install databases on my development machine because it installs unnecessary libraries and services on my system, and it is difficult to install, update, and remove them. Therefore I prefer to install development databases using containers since it is easier to maintain my machine that way.

Install podman

I am using Fedora, so podman comes preinstalled with the system, to install podman on other systems, see: I prefer podman over docker since it has the create command that can create a layer over a specified image and prepares it for running a specified command.

Use mongodb development database

Pull the tutum/mongodb image from the registry:

podman pull

Create another layer over the base container and name it as mongo_dev for ease of use (this option does not exist in docker):

podman create --name=mongo_dev -d -p 27017:27017 -p 28017:28017 -e AUTH=no tutum/mongodb

Run your mongo_dev container:

podman start mongo_dev

Happy Hacking!!!

Your mongodb database should be accessible from without a password: mongodb://localhost:27017

Stopping and starting your containers

To see a list of running containers run:

podman ps
# see stopped containers as well
podman ps -a

# Start a container
podman start <container-name>
# Stop a container
podman stop <container-name>

Pull more databases


podman pull postgres
podman create --name postgres_dev -d postgres


podman pull mysql
podman create --name mysql_dev mysql