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Managing TypeScript Configurations in a Monorepo

Managing TypeScript Configurations in a Monorepo

Monorepos are a popular way to organize multiple related projects in a single repository. They simplify dependency management, make it easier to refactor across boundaries, and streamline the development process. However, managing TypeScript configurations in a monorepo can…

The Difference Between ARG and ENV in a Dockerfile

The Difference Between ARG and ENV in a Dockerfile

Docker is a powerful tool that allows you to package and deploy your applications in a consistent and reproducible way. When building a Docker image, you can use various instructions to specify the environment and configuration for your application. Two of the most commonly used…

Writing smart contracts using solidity to crowdfund a project by NFT sales

Writing smart contracts using solidity to crowdfund a project by NFT sales

The goal is to write a smart contract that will allow entrepreneurs to crowdfund a project by selling NFTs, so if the goal isn’t reached, the NFT holders can get their money back by burning their NFTs. Without smart contracts, such an implementation would be complicated and…

Using webpack to build a javascript library

Using webpack to build a javascript library

Like building applications, webpack can be used to build libraries. In this post, you will learn how to use webpack and babel to build your own library. Demo Library Assuming having the following project, a small library called with exported and methods. Files src/index.js…

I received my new PC, and it is the time to install Fedora and set up my work environment

I received my new PC, and it is the time to install Fedora and set up my work environment

Two years after I joined Redhat to work on the foreman project, I received a new PC (Lenovo T480s), and it's time for a fresh start. In this post, I will describe my process of setting up a new PC. Goals Be able to work inside Redhat and use Redhat office tools Have a javascript…

Testing React-Redux Applications with Jest - QECAMP2019 Brno

In this talk, you will learn about testing React-Redux applications with Jest using the best practices I learned and developed while working on UI. react-redux-test-utils: Slides:…

Hello Gatsby World

Its took a few days to set everything up and now my blog running with GatsbyJS. see the source-code of my blog at:

Serving angular client with node.js micro service

So you build your angularjs app and you need to serve the app in production. The common mistake is serving your client side from your main API. I believe the best option is just having a nodejs micro service that serving our static angular app. The first problem serving angular…

Build your I18n translation files using gulp

From one hand, i want to have a flexible and dynamic source files for my app I18n/translations. ROR have a great I18n source structure that split you translations to many files and i want to adopt it in my angularjs project. From the other hand, serving so many translation files…

Hello World!

Its took a minute to set everything up, and it feel so great working on that platform!