Using TravisCI to automate your GatsbyJs website deployment to Github pages

Gatsby is a free and open-source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing-fast websites and apps. In this blog post, you will learn how I deploy my Gatsby website to Github Pages using TravisCI to automate the process.

Choose your Github Pages type

type domain repository name deploy branch source-code branch
User or Organization website <your-github-username> <your-github-username> master develop
Project website <your-github-username><your-project-name> can be any name gh-pages master

You Github Pages website will start existing once you have a repository on Github with the right name and branch.

Setup your repository

First, create your Github repository based on the website type you wish to have, clone your repository, and put your project source-code in the source-code branch.

Install gh-pages

The gh-pages library can publish files to a branch on GitHub. It is useful to push anything to Github.

npm install --save-dev gh-pages

Create a deploy script

Add a deploy script to your package.json scripts:

  "deploy": "gh-pages --dist public --branch DEPLOY_BRANCH_NAME"

Replace DEPLOY_BRANCH_NAME with your deploy-branch name

Manually deploy your website

Now, once you installed gh-pages and configured your deployment script, you can deploy your website manually to Github Pages.
Run yarn build && yarn deploy (or npm run build && npm run deploy if working with npm) and go to your website URL.
You should see your website there.

Setup Travis

TravisCI let you test and deploy your Github project easily. Use it to run the deploy script on each update to the source-code branch.

Setup your .travis.yml file

To setup Travis, first, add the following .travis.yml file to the root of your source-code branch.

language: node_js
node_js: 12
  - git config --global "${GITHUB_EMAIL}"
  - git config --global "${GITHUB_NAME}"
  - git remote set-url origin "https://${GH_TOKEN}"
script: yarn build # replace with `npm run build` if using npm
  provider: script
  skip_cleanup: true
  script: yarn deploy # replace with `npm run deploy` if using npm

Replace YOUR_GITHUB_NAME with your real name, I am using "Avi sharvit", this used as the committer name.
Replace with your email, this used as the committer email.
Replace SOURCE_CODE_BRANCH_NAME with your source-code branch name.

Enable Travis

To enable Travis for your project, you can go to Travis website and use their dashboard, or you can use the CLI:

gem install travis
travis enable

Create a Github token

To let Travis deploy to GitHub, Travis needs to have the right credentials.
To do so, you to create a Github token with a repo scope.
This can be done by visiting

Set your Github token in Travis

Set up an environment variable in Travis with the name GH_TOKEN and the value of the created token.
This can be done from Travis dashboard or by the cli by running:


Replace GITHUB_TOKEN_VALUE_HERE with your newly created token.

Commit and Push

Now you should be ready to go and push your changes to Github. Travis will deploy your website to Github Pages with every commit pushed to your source-code branch in GitHub.